A Little Bit Every Day

5:15 AM the alarm goes off.

6:45 is gym time.

True confession: I don’t want to go every time. Another true confession: I’m almost always glad I went.

“A little bit every day”
is the plan.

A little bit every day is a good plan for more than the gym. It is a good plan for anyone who wants to be physically healthy and for anyone who wants to be spiritually healthy.

In Romans 12 the writer challenges the reader to not conform to everything going on in the world, but rather…

 …let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

How? A little bit every day.

Reading the Bible, a little bit every day adds up. Over time that consistent trickle of truth changes the way we think.

It informs our decisions with God’s wisdom.

It molds our character.

It helps us see God more clearly and accurately.

It helps us see people more like God does.

A little bit everyday really adds up.


Is There Something More?