Counting the Cost

What does "counting the cost" of following Jesus mean to you personally?

How does this challenge you in your current stage of faith?

In what ways have you experienced moments where you realized that being a Christ follower required more from you than you initially thought?

How did you respond in those situations?

Stephen stood firm in his faith despite opposition.

Are there areas in your life where you feel opposition or pressure because of your faith? How might Stephen’s example inspire you?

Reflect on the diversity and rapid growth of the early church.

How does the tension between different groups in Acts 6 relate to divisions or challenges in your own faith community? How can you be part of building unity?

The sermon speaks about being "all in" for Christ.

What does it look like for you to be fully committed to following Jesus? What might need to change in your life to align more closely with this "no matter what" faith?


Costly Faithfulness


Two Kinds of Fear