Starting Well

The opening chapters of the book of Acts are a powerful testimony to the early church's obedience to Jesus and the transformative work of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1-2 marks a pivotal moment in Christian history, where the disciples transition from following Jesus in His earthly ministry to being empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out His mission in the world.

They Did What Jesus Told Them to Do

After His resurrection, Jesus spent forty days with His disciples, teaching them about the Kingdom of God and preparing them for what was to come. Before ascending into heaven, He gave them a clear command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about" (Acts 1:4). The disciples obeyed Jesus' instruction. They returned to Jerusalem and waited, just as He had told them to do.

This act of obedience may seem simple, but it was foundational. The disciples had witnessed the risen Christ, but they did not rush ahead with their own plans or ideas. Instead, they trusted in Jesus’ words and waited for the promised Holy Spirit. Their obedience laid the groundwork for what was to come.

They Did What Jesus Told Them to Do Together

Not only did the disciples obey Jesus individually, but they also did so together. This sense of unity is striking. The early followers of Jesus understood that their strength and effectiveness were multiplied when they were united in purpose and prayer.

The Holy Spirit was not given to isolated individuals, but to a community of believers who were gathered together in obedience and expectation. This unity was crucial in the birth of the Church and remains essential for the Church today.

They Did What Jesus Told Them to Do with Jesus' Power

When the day of Pentecost came, everything changed. The Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, filling them with power and enabling them to speak in various languages so that people from all nations could understand the message of the Gospel. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, stood up and boldly proclaimed the message of Jesus, leading to the conversion of about three thousand people that day.

This extraordinary event was not the result of human effort, strategy, or ingenuity. It was the direct result of the disciples' obedience to Jesus and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. They did what Jesus told them to do, but it was only through His power that they were able to accomplish it.

Jesus Relied on the Power of the Holy Spirit So That We Would Too

One of the most profound truths in Acts 1-2 is that Jesus Himself relied on the power of the Holy Spirit throughout His ministry. From His baptism to His resurrection, the Holy Spirit was with Jesus, empowering Him to fulfill His mission. Jesus’ reliance on the Holy Spirit serves as a model for us.

Just as Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit, so too are we called to rely on the same Spirit for guidance, strength, and power. The early church’s success was not because they had everything figured out, but because they were obedient to Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The early chapters of Acts challenge us to consider our own obedience to Jesus. Are we doing what Jesus has told us to do? Are we doing it together, in unity with other believers? And most importantly, are we relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the mission we’ve been given?

As we reflect on these questions, let’s remember that the same Holy Spirit who empowered the early church is available to us today. When we, like the disciples, obey Jesus, work together in unity, and rely on the Holy Spirit’s power, we can make a profound impact on the world around us.


Developing Community


Sidekicks of the Bible