Genesis 17

At OWC, we recently experienced an extraordinary outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was a profound reminder of God’s presence and power, and it set the stage for our current series on must-read chapters of the Bible. This week, we delved into Genesis 17, exploring the story of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar. Here are five key takeaways that can transform our spiritual journey:

Last week's service was a vivid demonstration of the Holy Spirit's power. Many felt an indescribable change in the atmosphere, a tangible sense of divine presence that filled us with awe. This moment was a reminder of how the Holy Spirit can move in our lives, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences. It’s a call to pray for more outpourings of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives and to remain open to His transformative power.

1. Trusting God’s Timing and Promises

The story of Abram and Sarai is one of faith and trust in God's promises, despite apparent impossibilities. Abram was promised to be the father of many nations, but this promise came when he was 85 and Sarai was 75, both well beyond childbearing age. Their attempt to fulfill God’s promise through their own means led to trouble, but God’s faithfulness remained. This teaches us the importance of waiting on God’s timing and trusting His plans, even when they seem delayed or impossible.

2. Living Blamelessly through God’s Sufficiency

When God appeared to Abram after 13 years of silence, He introduced Himself as El Shaddai, meaning God Almighty or All-Sufficient. God called Abram to live a blameless life, not through his own efforts, but through reliance on God’s sufficiency. This highlights the concept that while we are inherently insufficient, through God’s power and sufficiency, we can strive to live lives that honor Him. It’s about walking with God and allowing His sufficiency to cover our insufficiencies.

3. The Significance of Obedience and Transformation

God’s covenant with Abram included the act of circumcision as a physical sign of an inner spiritual transformation. While circumcision is not required of us today, the principle remains: God calls us to show our commitment to Him through our obedience and transformed lives. This transformation is not about perfection but about a heart submitted to God, resulting in a life that reflects His love and principles. Our faith should manifest in actions that demonstrate our love for God and others.

4. God’s Everlasting Covenant and Blessings

Despite Abram and Sarai’s initial missteps, God’s covenant and promises remained steadfast. He not only reaffirmed His promise but expanded it, changing Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s to Sarah, signifying their new identities and roles in God’s plan. This everlasting covenant is a powerful reminder that God’s promises are not contingent on our perfection but on His unwavering faithfulness. God desires to bless us abundantly, not necessarily with material things, but with His presence, peace, and transformative power in our lives.

The lessons from Genesis 17 remind us of the incredible power of the Holy Spirit, the importance of trusting in God’s timing, living through His sufficiency, obeying His commands, and the everlasting nature of His promises. As we reflect on these truths, let’s strive to walk closer with God, allowing His Spirit to transform us, trusting His plans, and living lives that reflect His love and faithfulness. Trust in El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One, and experience the abundant life He promises.


Exodus 20


Genesis 1-3